Update on knee replacement recovery
My knee replacement recovery has been a journey. To be honest....I want to be done with it! However...I am far from this! I am 7 weeks postop. I still have pain, tightness and swelling. The swelling is worse when sitting for longer periods of time. I am nervous about this as I am returning to work on Monday. My plan is to bring an ice pack and to take walk breaks. I will also elevate my leg when possible. The tightness is real. It is there when I wake up. It does decrease when I start moving; however I continue to feel it through the day. The pain is not terrible. I know that it will go away; just not fast enough for me! I am working on flexion and extension. I am trying to get some flexion exercises in before my knee begins to swell. I get on my indoor bike for 5-10 minutes and then go to work on the bend. I hope to get this routine in each morning before I go to work. I have decided that 125 bend is the goal. This is due to the measurement of my left leg at 120. My l...