Lots of random information

Well..so much for my intent to being this new blog series prior to my knee replacement surgery.  No real excuses; just so much "life" going on.

So let's catch up..

I was scheduled for right knee replacement on September 8th. I was going about, getting everything in place: client cheat sheets for my full-time job, coverage for my cycle and other exercise classes, cleaning, swapping out summer/winter clothes and on and on.

And then.....

Covid-19 had other plans. I was infected on August 7th. Not horrific. Not too sick but this meant that my surgery had to be postponed (hospital policy due to increased risk of blood clots). Yup.....at least 7 weeks from date positive. I was given choices. To be scheduled to stay overnight at Upstate Community (my choice hospital) I would have to wait until December 14th (yes, you read correctly)! I could be scheduled overnight at the Auburn hospital on October 3rd or be scheduled for "Swift" (one day surgery) on September 28th. I chose "Swift" although I had some reservations in doing so. I was schedule for overnight stay for both hip replacements and thankfully as each time I had an issue with my bladder, heart rate and blood pressure. I was more comfortable with a scheduled stay however I figured that if "anything" was wrong they would keep me. And besides, "Swift" would be done at my choice hospital.

I was disappointed that I had to wait another 20 days for the surgery bur accepted this as an opportunity to relax a little, focus on getting everything done and oh yes....enjoy my Birthday!

I turned 66 on September 17th! Yikes! I must say that not being in "replacement recovery" allowed my husband to plan a wonderful celebration! (There will be a separate blog on the Big 66!) He planned a dinner to include my sister and her husband at a wonderful restaurant. He bought me a beautiful, simple black dress. And he went to Jared's! He gave me beautiful jewelry - pear earrings and a pearl and diamond heart necklace. He even changed the chain the for necklace to a very nice, sturdy,  one. It was a phenomenal evening. 

The days following the birthday celebration were filled with work, teaching classes and preparing for the downtime associated with the recovery.

I have to say that there was a part of me struggling with the reality that I would soon have 4 lower extremity joints replaced. Such a weird thought. I wondered if I would ever go through regular TSA line at an airport again?? What about other detector areas?? I wondered if there could be any future negative affects associated with the number of replacements. My surgeon assured me that I would not implode! LOL! Yet, there were days that I questioned the "why". I know that I am diagnosed with RA so this is the reason for the damage done to my knees and hips. I am hoping that this will be the end of the replacements. My hands are not great due to the RA but the pain and discomfort can be managed with medications. And hopefully I will be able to manage the RA with no biologics. Time will tell.

I was not ready for Summer to end and actually we were having many warm, sunny days into mid September. Of course the clothes "swap" was what I put off the longest. That is, until I saw the future forecast near my surgery date. I spent the weekend before surgery getting the warm clothes out and ready, Certainly not an easy task; but done!

Wow...not too long for a catch up blog! Get ready......surgery day blog coming up! SOON!


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