Update on knee replacement recovery

 My knee replacement recovery has been a journey. To be honest....I want to be done with it! However...I am far from this!

I am 7 weeks postop. I still have pain, tightness and swelling. The swelling is worse when sitting for longer periods of time. I am nervous about this as I am returning to work on Monday. My plan is to bring an ice pack and to take walk breaks. I will also elevate my leg when possible. 

The tightness is real. It is there when I wake up. It does decrease when I start moving; however I continue to feel it through the day.

The pain is not terrible. I know that it will go away; just not fast enough for me!

I am working on flexion and extension. I am trying to get some flexion exercises in before my knee begins to swell. I get on my indoor bike for 5-10 minutes and then go to work on the bend. I hope to get this routine in each morning before I go to work. 

I have decided that 125 bend is the goal. This is due to the measurement of my left leg at 120. My left leg has never deterred me from doing the activities and exercises I want to do. Therefore I can't see any need to push beyond 125 for the right. As long as I can walk/trot in a race or two, teach my exercise classes (cycle and strength), use the elliptical and perhaps hike I will be happy.

Recently, in a conversation with a friend I mentioned that I don't think I worked as hard in PT as I have in the past. She was surprised that I said this as it it not "like" me. And then it hit me...."I am tired". I have had three major surgeries within 2 years. I had right hip replacement (same side as this knee replacement) 6 months ago. My body is tired. My "mind" is tired. Being in recovery mode is challenging! It is physically and mentally challenging.

Having said this out loud and writing this here is invigorating! It allows me to "look this in the mirror" and make sure that I am kind to ME.

Also, let me clarify. I am "doing" my PT routinely. By saying that I have not done it as I have in the past means that I am not doing the work like it is my job. I take PT seriously. I was upset when we could not work the bend as much due to openings in my incision. I now feel like I am "catching up", which is hard for me to accept. In my world; I want to be where I have been in the past. I am coming to accepting that my goals are different now. This helps me to keep things real.

I am also looking towards the future. My retirement. I want to continuing teaching for a very long time. To do this I have to have balance. Balance in exercising and rest. I know that I overdue. Sometimes too much. Having acknowledged this my plan is to be more aware of my time working out. 

I have always taken a rest day. Right now I am not. In having to do PT exercises at least once a day I go to the gym to stay focused. This gym time has "grown" over the last few weeks; primarily doing biking and upper body strength in addition to the PT exercises. Going back to work will decrease this time which for my mind and body will be great!

So I will continue to work PT. I have appointments set 1-2 times per week until the end of the year. I will go back to teaching cycle the week of December 5th - I can't wait!!!! I will continue PT exercises on my own. I will continue strength training. 

I have been getting massages routinely in this recovery. I will definitely continue this. 

For those of you recovering from knee or hip surgery or for those needing to have a surgery please remember to keep your goals achievable. Remember to be kind to yourself. Be patient.

I know that I will make it through this recovery and that I will the best version of me!!


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