The Struggle is REAL!

 As most of you know it takes a lot to get me "down". And, as most of you know I am the "one" that always wants to be "very far ahead of the curve".

Well...this knee replacement recovery is truly a challenge for me! 

Here is why....

First, my incision is taking a lot of time to heal. This is affecting the type of work that I am able to do in PT. Tim, my PT guru, will not allow any assisted movement for the flexion as he does not want any more areas of the incisions opening. This is frustrating to me as I do not feel that I am where I could be in my range of motion. I am truly testing my patience.

Next, I am still having a lot of pain. It is hard to decipher if the pain is related to nerve awakening or slow recovery. I did look through my blogs for my left knee replacement in 2015 and I had written about having pain well into week 5 and 6 postop. Again, my patience is being tested.

I realize that I am still in a recovery phase for my right hip replacement that was done in April. I do not think this is hindering my range of motion exercises too much but there is an impact. I have a tight IT band and an issue with my piriformis so I think there is a little hesitation in some movements. 

I am trying to use the recumbent bike as often as possible. I think this helps with movement and hopefully this will allow more flexion once the incision is healed. I want to try the bike I teach on as I believe that I used one about 4.5 weeks following the first knee replacement. Maybe success in this will be good for my patience and outlook!

I do my own gentle massage around the incision, hoping that this will stimulate healing. I also get a "real massage" from the wonderful Sarah (Serenity with Sarah). I have gotten 2 great massages on the leg and glute that helped tremendously! I will book another for next week, maybe getting a full body one!

I let my boss know that I would not be able to return to work next week. Four weeks postop is just too soon. I was really convinced that this recovery would be easier. I know now that it is not. I have an appointment with my surgeon on November 8th. I hope that will be where I "should" be by then ....fingers crossed!

I continue to ice, elevate and rest. This definitely helps in keeping swelling down. 

I feel like I am doing all the things I need to do be successful in this recovery. HHHMMM....I am successful.....I am just putting pressure on myself. Note to kind to yourself. Be proud of your progress. Be patient.

Coming next: Let's compare - Hip vs knee replacement - My view.


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