Staples out and first outpatient PT

 Fifteen days after surgery I went to see Ryan, Dr. Sherman's PA for the first postop appointment to  have the staples removed! There were quite a few staples (I did not count)! Ryan checked the incision and explained how they close the surgical area with stitches internally and then make a flap with staples. He stated that the flap will flatten in time and once the area is fully healed it can be massaged. He also reported that my incision may take a bit longer to heal as it continues to have some open areas. 

I was able to ask questions related to the surgery and my recovery to date. The one question I had was related to the significant pain in my quadricep. I asked if a tourniquet was used during surgery and he report "no". He then explained the position of the leg during surgery - bent with foot on table which causes a lot of pressure on the quad. Makes sense. He reported that this pain and the nerve zingers would calm in time. Can't come soon enough for me!

We talked about my need to stay overnight due to bladder issue and low HR. He stated that I should follow up with my primary care physician regarding the low heart rate.

He then evaluated my extension and flexion and reported that I was performing a "week 4". This was encouraging to me as I was feeling challenged in doing my PT exercises more than 1, maybe 2 times a day. He stated that my focus on controlling swelling and working on quality moves was smart. 

When Ryan and I were done the nurse came in to remove the staples. There was a little pinching but otherwise no pain in the removal. I have to say the knee felt less pressure with these out! She placed steri-strips on the incision and I was on my way.

My first outpatient PT appointment was scheduled for 5:30PM. I could not wait! 

I drove to the appointment. It was a little challenging getting in and out of the car; however, I figured out a seat position that help. It felt good to be more independent and OUT! I am not a good "rester"; however, in this recovery I am really trying to embrace the rest and relax mode.

I was happy to see my PT guru - Tim! He has worked with me for every surgery since my first knee replacement in 2015. He knows me well and pushes just enough to help me attain my goals. He also tells me, without reserve, when to cut back and/or not do certain exercises. I trust him to have my best interest in mind.

The first thing on the agenda was the recumbent bike. We had to make a few adjustments to the seat and it was very challenging to get the forward rotation BUT I DID! YAY! I was on this for about 10 minutes and then it was time for exercises. Wall slides were a challenge. I was able to use the leg press with 55 pounds. He reviewed some of the initial exercises I was given to insure I had good form. He also approved my use of the treadmill and reminded me to keep it slow and focus on heel-to-toe gait.

This appointment was a shorter duration and we scheduled the next nine for at least 45 minutes.

Overall, I am beginning to feel better about this recovery. I will continue to say that I am struggling with the pain and incision pressure but I do feel better when all of this is validated as being normal. I think I was in the mindset that this recovery would not be "so bad" after having great success with my hip replacements. I found out quickly that these are completely different surgeries. Yes...the knee is a harder recovery. I will need to learn patience. This is not easy for me but I will try......

Up next....The struggle is REAL!


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