Hello 64!!!

 OK!!!! How did this happen??? How did I turn 64 so quickly?? Pandemic and hip replacement did not deter the celebration! I was surprised with beautiful earrings from Litman's from my fiancé, Marc and being pampered for the day. A nice dinner with a glass of wine topped the celebration!

I was blessed with MANY, MANY Facebook messages from friends which truly made my day brighter!

I received calls and text messages from family and friends. I am so very fortunate to have so many loving and supportive people in my life!

I always take time to reflect on the past year (well, actually I reflect on many more!). I believe that this past year has taught me many lessons and I hope that I will continue to make some subtle changes as I continue to grow. Yup....growth does continue all through life.


CHANGE CAN BE OK! The consequences of COVID-19 implemented many changes in our lives. The abrupt closing of the gyms in March deeply affected me. Not only was this a source of additional income; it offered me friendships and also opportunities for variety in workouts that allowed me to exercise without excruciating pain in my hip. 

I had challenges in the beginning of the closure I struggled with finding workouts that were effective without causing more and more pain. I purchased an inexpensive indoor cycle and this proved to be a smart decision. I was able to workout out virtually with great instructors which helped grow as an instructor! Such great cueing and drill ideas were found. (Shout out to Lisa Dolbear!!! - You rock!!)

We are in a period of significant changes that can be challenging. Mask wearing, social distancing, fear, uncertainty. Parents are balancing work with home schooling with children. This time as pushed us to think about how we can adapt and in some was embrace change. I personally have a way to go in acceptance but I will continue to move forward. 

EXPAND KNOWLEDGE! I knew that I came directly home from work each day I "might" (most likely!!) workout "too much" (yes...I know my challenges!). In an effort to combat this and to also help the organization I work for I decided to offer to work over-time at the Women's Halfway House. What a wonderful experience! The residents that are residing there are in the next phase of their recovery from substance abuse. They are mothers, daughters, sisters, aunts, significant others...women that somewhere in life "lost their way". Addiction is a TERRIBLE disease. I have learned so much as a Case Manager working with formerly homeless mental health and substance abuse individuals and working with these women took this to a new level. I can't wait to get back to my FT job and to working at the halfway house PT!

EMBRACE DOWN TIME! If you are like me you don't feel "right" unless you are on the GO, GO, GO. My advice.....STOP! Each time I have to recovery from a surgery I am reminded how important the mantra "less is more" truly is. As an exercise over enthusiast I often forget that cut back and rest days are just as, if not more important, that workout days. I often forget that high intensity workouts have a small place in a routine. I used to forget that running everyday "may" affect your joints. Having the knee replacement 5.5 years ago taught me that I did not have to run to get a fantastic cardio workout; bikes and other cardio equipment used correctly can achieve the same outcomes. Remember fitness and wellness for the long term is a marathon not a sprint. And REST DAYS are a MUST!

LISTEN TO YOUR BODY! And get medical advice when something isn't "right"! I have not taken my own advice here at times and it never served me well. As exercise enthusiasts, especially if runners, we do not want to think there is something really wrong when we have pain. Instead we tend to self diagnosis and "work through it".....

My suggestion, my advice...find out if there is a problem! Then do the treatment! Trust me, you can avoid bigger issues by taking the appropriate actions at the onset.

FUEL YOUR BODY! I know that there a many "trends" for weight loss and management. For some, these may work - perhaps only short term. I used to follow the trend of the time and then I realized that the more I limited certain food groups the more I lacked total nutrition. If you are active you need food to fuel your body and oh...by the way, to fuel your mind as well.

I no longer eliminate food groups from my diet. Everything in moderation...except for peanut M and M's - these are unlimited!!

CHERISH FAMILY AND FRIENDS! Life is busy! I am guilty of allowing work and errands and maybe even an obsession or two to take me away from spending time with family and friends.

I and so many of my family and friends have endured many losses of loved ones. This is never easy! And for many of us there is a period of regret t

hat we did not make time when it was there in front of us. Make time!!

WORK IS NOT YOUR LIFE! Yes...I get it....we work to have a life. We need income. We go overboard at times. I have been SO guilty of this throughout my career. I worked long hours, weekends. I took away time from family and friends. I took time away from me. And guess what....I was replaceable. No need for me to go into any details but suffice it to say...we are all replaceable at work. We are not replaceable at home, to ourselves and to family and friends.

I could go on and on about my lessons from life but I am not done learning!

I will embrace 64 with happiness, love and health. I will strive for making memories.

AND......356 days to retirement!!!!


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