Surgery Day 4/21/22

Well, surgery day came so fast. As I wrote in the previous blog, work had me super busy! I left work early the day before my surgery date. I also got a sub for my cycle class. Although I missed teaching, especially knowing that I would not be teaching for up to 6 weeks, I knew it was the smartest thing to do. I needed to get some last minute things done and also rest. And rest I did! 

I was scheduled to be the second surgery for Dr. Sherman. This meant arriving at the hospital at 6AM. I was very grateful that I was really tired Wednesday night and had fallen asleep before 9PM. My alarm went off at 4:30AM. even though I could not eat or drink I wanted a little time before leaving home. I got ready and chilled; getting my mindset positive for a great surgical outcome!

My husband drove me to the hospital. Policies have changed sine my last surgery in 2020 and he was allowed to come in and wait with me. After getting checked in I was taken to the preop room. Marc had to wait in the waiting area. 

I had to do the last wipe down with the special wipes that assist to prevent infection. I had also used these for the 2 days prior to surgery day. Changed in to my lovely and stylish hospital gown; open in the back of course! Then came the BP and HR. BP was a bit high which was expected. HR was my normal low. Answered all the preop questions and then time for the IV. Thankfully no real issues except for a little bleeding.

Marc was allowed to come back and sit with me. This was nice and helped settle any jitters as this was not allowed last time.

My surgeon, Dr. Sherman came in to mark my hip. He is the very best and I trust him without doubt. He assured me that he was prepared if I should bleed from by femur as I had in the left hip replacement. As he was leaving he stated "We will be back here in about 6 weeks for your knee"! UUUHHMMM...maybe 6 months!

It was time for anesthesiologist to meet with me to discuss options for surgery. This is when Marc bowed out following a kiss and a "see ya later"!

I did not want General Anesthesia therefore we decided on a nerve block, spinal and "twilight". This time I do remember being wheeled to the operating room and also getting ready for the spinal. I do not remember the spinal itself but I must have been able to communicate as this is a part of it being completed. The next thing I know I am in recovery being asked to wake up. was a lot to ask! However, I was able to keep my eyes open. Of course, no feeling yet in lower half of body; to be expected.

Marc was not allowed back to the hospital until "visiting hours" which were from noon to 8PM - much better than last time. My "official room", as I was staying overnight was not ready so I was moved into another area which seemed to have patients awaiting to have kidney stones blasted. My surgeon came here to visit with me. He reported that I had bled more than normal but not a bad as the with the left replacement. Relief! He also stated that the joint looked as he expected - "shitty"! He expressed that he was very please with the surgery and it was successful.

While waiting to move the spinal was wearing off - YIPPEE! I was also given the exquisite snack of diet ginger ale, saltine crackers and water! YUM! I drank.....a lot!

Finally I was moved to my room and was so happy to see that it was FAR away from the nurse's station! Marc was able to visit and brought me my much needed Pepsi Zero and a credit card so I could activate the television. As I could feel my lower body I was allowed to sit in  the chair. In my first surgery this did not occur until the next day.

I continued to drink a lot of water - many small pitchers full! I should have burst!! I was able to order my dinner - cheeseburger, tator tots, mac and cheese and YUP - they still had my brownies - I ordered 2!!

Marc left before my dinner arrived which was a good call as PT came to have me walk. Interestingly, as I stood up I barely felt any pain - seriously! Gait belt on and walker in place I started to take the steps as directed by the PT. Step forward with good leg; bring operated leg to meet it. Step -Step together. After about 3 times the PT asked it I felt if I could walk "normally". I did and he said....go for it! And go for it I did and I also walked farther than they typically suggest for the first walk. PT and the nursing staff I passed were pretty impressed. I was very happy.

Back to room and soon dinner was served. I was really hungry so they could have served me shoe leather and it would have tasted good! Truthfully, the food here (Upstate Hospital at Community General Campus) is very good. My eyes may have been bigger than my hunger bit I was able to eat more than 50%. Oh, I just picked at the brownie.....I wanted them to last.

My HR was low each time it was taken (below 47) and I was thankful that I was not "hooked up" for it and BP, as alarms would have been going off all the time! They did come in to take these measurements every hour and I was waiting for this timeframe to be expanded. It was explained that they could not extend it to every two hours due to both BP and HR being so low. Understood.

Soon we all realized (nurses and me) that I had not urinated since before surgery. Not good as it was about 11+ hours. Off we went to the bathroom to see if I could. Result = not much. I was then told protocol is a bladder scan. Result = too much retained. Next = straight catherization. Result = WOW - a lot, a lot of fluid.  This had happened in the first replacement which was one reason I decided to stay overnight.

Relief.....But....not for long. I tried to dose off to sleep so I could get some in before more BP/HR checks. This was short lived. We were stating ahead of any pain - good! I needed some other night time medications that I routinely take. This took some time to get straightened out.

I was a 2 person assist - protocol for joint replacement patients. I planned trips to bathroom so not to have to rush. I went in again however I know I was not voiding fully - just a feeling and my stomach was not feeling "right". The nurse 

Second try = more out but needed bladder scan again. Result = too much left but not as bad as first time. The decision was to wait a bit and see if I could go again within a specific timeframe. I felt uncomfortable so I decided to try again. Result = not much more and the next bladder scan resulted in another straight cath. These ARE NOT fun! Just saying!

I know they would be in for blood work around 3AM so I, again, tried to sleep. I did get a couple of hours before the blood work and another trip to bathroom. And another bladder scan. This time I retained just below - barley - the threshold to have to cath. YIPPEE! But this did not mean this situation was over.....back to sleep I went.....

Coming up - day 2 - will I get to go home???? 

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