Knee versus Hip - Differences in emotions

 Here I am .....about 18 hours from surgery. I need to arrive at the hospital at 10:00AM and due to COVID-19 my fiance is not allowed to wait with me; he actually can't wait at the hospital. He will receive a call from my surgeon to review the surgery, etc. There are visiting hours - one visitor per patient per day between the hours for 2PM - 6PM. Depending on how I do in recovery I may not have too much of a visit! This is "OK" with me as I will be anxious to begin physical therapy!

Which brings me to the topic of today's blog.

It is amazing to me how different I feel about this surgery. I am actually more nervous about this one. is not because of the surgery itself or the trust in my surgeon (I would literally travel out of state to have him operate on me!!!) I am nervous that I will do something "normal"and dislocate the dang hardware!!

If you don't "know" me too well, I am the ultimate "Virgo". Some would say I am "a bit over the top". If I see something on the floor I bend over, pick it up. Of course, there will be something else on the floor and again, I will bend over to pick it up. I tie my shoe by bringing my leg up. I cross my legs. When falling asleep I begin on my left side. Marc would describe my twists and turns during the night as "restless" (I think he is trying to be nice!!)

I operate in "rote".

When my surgeon stated that I would have precautions for the first 6 weeks that do not allow any of the above I freaked! 

When I had my knee replacement everyone said..."move...move...move"; bend the leg, stretch! I only used a walker in the hospital and really never used a cane. I walked stairs daily. I was never nervous that I would do something that would jeopardize the replacement. 

Because of my feelings for the hip surgery, I decided to schedule preoperative physical therapy. This was a wise decision. The sessions allowed me to know exactly what I can and cannot do following surgery. I was shown the positions that I can't do (very beneficial as I am a visual learner!)

I was shown how to get in and out of my car. I learned how to walk stairs with a cane. I was given exercises to strengthen the area for surgery. I was given some of the initial exercises that can be done immediately after surgery.

Doing the PT has definitely decreased my fears and anxiety.

Everyone reports that hip replacement is easier than knee replacement. I think I believe this. I took my PT for my knee seriously and like it was my "job". I will be just as dedicated to the PT for my new hip.

What I know tonight is this...I am ready for this surgery. The last few days have been more painful than most. I know that it is time. I want the pain to be gone. I want to have more mobility.

And, although my emotions are a little different between the two replacements I know that I will be fine and there will be a successful outcome. I know that I have family and friends supporting and praying for me. And I have, to me, the best surgeon in this area.

I got this!


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