Hip Hop Hooray! Progress Not Perfection!

My mantra for quite some time has been "Progress Not Perfection"! I believe in this despite, at times, putting pressure on myself for the "perfection" side!

I am just over a week postop! And progress is the stage in the game! I began in-home PT on Tuesday 9/8 after a slight scheduling glitch. Jenna, from HCR, came to the rescue and provided my start of care evaluation/visit. She was impressed with my progress at this point and gave me about 5 -  6 new exercises to incorporate to my workouts. She also had me sit in and get out of a dining room chair, with no arms and walk forward. UUUHHMMM....really?? Ok - yes, I did it and liked the challenge. I was a little apprehensive as the chair is much lower than I have been getting accustomed to. Jenna assured me that I would not break protocols by doing this movement so I engaged every muscle in my body and got it done. Did I know she was timing me? Nope! Probably a good thing!

I do my exercises like it is my job! Heck, I am missing work so this gives me something to "focus" on! Jenna returned on Thursday and took me to the stairs in the front of the house. There are about 9 stairs in total with a down slope to the second set. Success on the stairs and driveway! Jenna also graduated me to using just the cane! We agreed that the walker should be used during the night and when tired.

I am excited with the progress! I was able to take a shower without using the shower bench so this has been retired. 

I was able to expand the distance to walk outside. There is a cul-de-sac across the road and I asked my fiance to venture with me to include this in my program. I believe he feared the consequence in saying "no" therefore he agreed!

A couple of pictures of the stairs and walk area

It felt wonderful to be outside! I was able to convince him for doing the stairs 3 times and the cul-de-sac once. I will take it.

Today, I am walking more with no cane! So far we have walked the cul-de-sac 3 times and I got my exercises in twice. Not bad seeing it is not even noon!

Remember Patty......Progress Not Perfection!


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