Hip - Hop - Hooray! Lessons and remembering

 It is funny....now that I am forced to do less I remember more the importance of rest days and lighter workouts in a comprehensive fitness program. I have always been one to push it to the max. Before my knee replacement 5 1/2 years ago I worked full-time, taught numerous exercise classes, trained for marathons. The replacement gave me a moment of pause and reset. Of course I couldn't run (right away) so I remembered what I knew before I ran......what, you ask?? I remembered that running was not the only form of exercise that pushes cardio limits. I relearned how to use elliptical and rowing machines to achieve that same euphoric feeling as running. 

During this time I remembered that I limited my strength training to the use of free weights in the classes that I taught. As I was recovering I rediscovered using the strength equipment and WOW - what I change I made in my upper body!

As I continued to recover and get stronger I was able to incorporate running back into my routine, never did I get back to my racing level, nor did I want to. I was content in pushing my limits with different equipment. I also decided that I wanted fitness, more importantly, wellness for the long term!

I will admit that I still pushed and at times too much. It is my nature! Can I change nature?!?!?!

Well, if I can't change my nature it is time for a reset!

I am 12 days postop. Today I felt strong, really strong. I had the approval from my PT that I could walk alone. I had even asked if she thought a mile would be too far. She did not, as long as I took it slow!

This morning I went for that mile walk! As I came up the hill back to my house I had an overcoming feeling of gratitude and accomplishment. 

Gratitude that I was able to do this.

Gratitude that despite the issues with and pain in my hip I was able to maintain strength in my lower body and a good level of cardiovascular fitness using my indoor cycle.

Gratitude that I was able to find in home workouts during this crazy COVID-19.

Gratitude for a having a superb surgeon.

Accomplishment for getting out the door on a crisp, almost Fall, morning and walking using the precautions stated to me.

Accomplishment for not thinking I had to walk this walk perfectly.

Accomplishment for not going farther or faster!

I came home, had a snack that was protein based and iced and elevated. Yes...I do pay attention to professionals and actually to myself as well!

I was able to take another short walk and got in my PT exercises. Was I on the 'edge' of too much?? I was close but realized this narrow margin and again elevated and iced, little snooze in the mix.

As I rested I thought about the last 12 days......

I am so grateful for my family and friends. I have been blessed with wonderful visits, text messages, phone calls and cards. I have received beautiful flowers and gifts. I am fortunate to have coworkers that have become friends who keep me in the loop and a part of the team.

I realize that I get "really frustrated" that I can't DO everything I typically DO! I am not used to "thinking about each movement". I am remembering the importance of patience!!! Not my strong suit!!

I am learning how to use a grabber! I can use it for dressing and to pick up items without bending. I am pretty good at this!!!!

I have remembered that the best home looks "lived in" - yes I will describe my home this way in the current state!!

I know that over the next few months I will have many more lessons. 

I know that I will continue to remember the more I work though my recovery the more successful I will be in the long term.

So my friends....when you see or hear me getting to the upper limit ...remind me that I have the long term goal of wellness/fitness well into retirement!


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