Is your "fitness" adding to your stress??

As most of you know I am a fitness JUNKIE! Try as I will to be moderate in my fitness/exercise regimen I always tend to overdo. Most of this "overdo" is in the amount of "time" I workout; although there is also the decision to add in either weights or cardio (depending on the class I am teaching) prior to or after.

My recent thought - Does my NEED to get my SCHEDULED workout in ADD STRESS to my life and does it LIMIT my social opportunities???? Does this strike a chord with you???? Read on........

Due to my recent surgery I am not able to workout......Now, we went through this a few years ago when I had my knee replacement and I survived. And - yes - I am surviving today! This downtime is a bit different for some reason.....

How, you ask?? Knowing that I survived the time away from "my schedule of workouts" ....I am allowing myself to "feel" how my body feels without working out. I am allowing myself to think about how my mind feels without working out. Sound a bit corny?? Maybe....but...I have made some realizations.

Perhaps these realizations will pertain just to me. Perhaps some of you will relate. Perhaps others will find points to ponder. Allow me to continue.....

Let's consider this.....being the "junkie" that I am I "had" to get my define quota of workout days in every week - SIX. I had to get my cardio in - at least 45 minutes. I had to get my STEPS in - more than 10,000 for sure. I had to get strength training in - THREE times per week.

My workouts were at minimum 90 minutes...more if I could manage it in my schedule and at least this on days I taught exercise classes.....

And my "schedule" was even worse when I was running. If I was training for a race I HAD to get my defined miles in. Most of the time these miles were either before or after teaching my classes. If necessary these miles were at the crack of dawn (decreasing my sleep and recovery time) or later in the evening (after working all day and teaching classes). During race training there was no day off.... ALL of this....where was my REST; my RECOVERY??  Were enough hours in the day to DEFRAG; spend time with friends/family? Trust me....for me (and for many like me) I know I was sacrificing parts of life to get my fitness in!!

Life has is a fact. Juggling family with work; work challenges; cleaning laundry; financial issues; health concerns; finding time for self...the list goes on......

We know the benefit of exercise to decrease stress. However, if we are not careful - the regimen and schedule of the workout may actually add stress. There is a "fine line"

Can you see that line?????


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