
Showing posts from November, 2022

Update on knee replacement recovery

 My knee replacement recovery has been a journey. To be honest....I want to be done with it! However...I am far from this! I am 7 weeks postop. I still have pain, tightness and swelling. The swelling is worse when sitting for longer periods of time. I am nervous about this as I am returning to work on Monday. My plan is to bring an ice pack and to take walk breaks. I will also elevate my leg when possible.  The tightness is real. It is there when I wake up. It does decrease when I start moving; however I continue to feel it through the day. The pain is not terrible. I know that it will go away; just not fast enough for me! I am working on flexion and extension. I am trying to get some flexion exercises in before my knee begins to swell. I get on my indoor bike for 5-10 minutes and then go to work on the bend. I hope to get this routine in each morning before I go to work.  I have decided that 125 bend is the goal. This is due to the measurement of my left leg at 120. My left leg has ne

Knee VS Hip Replacement

 Don't get me wrong - surgery is surgery. Nothing to minimize. There will always be risks; but most often the benefits outweigh these risks. There are a few important things to remember prior to surgery: Pick the surgeon that you TRUST. The one that you have a decent rapport with. Now; not all surgeon's have a "great" bedside manner - this is different that the trust and rapport. You should feel confident in asking questions and understanding the answers.  Tell the surgeon you fears - be honest.  Tell you surgeon your goals. A great surgeon will tell you the realities. I remember my first knee replacement in 2015. A friend was getting the same surgery from a different surgeon/practice. This person stated that that he/she could be back on an indoor cycle within 3 weeks; perhaps teaching. The surgeon I was talking to stated that his recommended recovery for "teaching" would be 8 - 12 weeks. He then stated, "I could tell you what you want to hear, but who