Postop at 3+ weeks

Time is ticking in this recovery! Last Thursday I hit the 3 week point in my right hip replacement recovery.

I have to say that this recovery has been a little easier than the left hip. My biggest concern this time was the swelling, especially directly under my scar. It also felt as though my leg was longer. I was kicking it in a half circle when I first began walking outside. As the overall swelling subsided the "kick" went away and my leg felt normal again! YAY!! I still have some swelling at the scar but this is subsiding as well.

I had my staples removed on day 15. I was also approved to drive. I was now able to go to the gym. I focused on upper body strength using the machines and also free weights. I also did cardio on the elliptical. nothing to fast or crazy; just got my legs moving in a different way.

Before being able to drive I was walking. I used my cane outside for security for about two weeks. I averaged about 2-3 miles one time a day. I also took a  friend's dog for shorter walks a few times a week. When the weather was not so great I walked on my treadmill at home.

I have my first outpatient PT appointment on 5/10/22. I have gone to this therapist for all my surgeries so he knows me very well. He did a lot of range of motion moves which felt good as they also provided some stretching. He was aware of my precautions however he was able to position the leg out of these without incident. Trust me...I would not try this on my own!!

I was able to do a single leg press! Not a lot of weight and he taught me the position of the leg so I can do these at the gym.

He talked to me about my walking distance and suggested that I decrease it. He remined me of the importance of not overdoing as the soft tissue needs to repair. He suggested getting back on the bike and we made sure that I could do this without breaking precautions. He also agreed with my use of the elliptical. He stated that due to the need for aright knee replacement I should cross train as much as possible.

So...I have tried to cut back on walking....tried is key word.

I have been on the bike and it feels great. I have not done any standing moves yet. I feel as though I could get back to my indoor cycle classes now but will wait until I see my surgeon at the 6 week postop appointment.

I don't have much pain which I am thankful for. I have been on tramadol for years (due to all my joint issues and RA) so I take this minimally. I was prescribed Celebrex postop. I feel this is helping my inflammation and pain in my hands due to my RA. I will be talking to my Rheumatologist about this.

I continue to elevate my legs and ice a few times a day especially after walking or other workouts.

I continue to sleep on my back and have been sleeping on the sofa to prevent tossing and turning.

So far - so good.

Remember, each journey is different. I am not doing anything "over the top" - moving as my body allows. Listening to your body is the best communication!

I will be returning to work next Monday 5/23/22......more to come!


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