Hip - Hip Hooray!!! It has been over 3 months since surgery

Seriously!?!?!?!?!? How can it be over 3 months since the replacement of my left hip?????

The bigger question....why do I not have time to write this blog????!!!!  Well....answer.....PT, GYM, WORK, LIFE!! All so very important!

Let me go a little back in time ..... 6 weeks post op.....

I had my follow up 6 week postop appointment with my surgeon, Dr. Sherman on 10/20. I also happened to have an appointment at my Rheumatologist on the same day.

My first appointment was with the Rheumatologist. It is still being recommended that I begin a biologic for treatment. This is such a difficult decision for me as there is a part of me that is looking for "solid evidence" that I truly have RA. Yes; there are clinical findings and my joints are a mess but there is no defining blood work associated with the diagnosis. I continue to consider the recommendation. In the meantime, I am back on Sulfasalazine for managing inflammation, pain and joint stiffness. 

Off to Dr. Sherman I went! I always like seeing him after surgery! I thank him for the awesome surgical skills he has! Then he tells me that I am an anomaly!!

X-rays were taken of the new hip. All looked great. He lifted all bending and other precautions. He did leave me with work limitations until 11/13/20. I questioned lack of more pathology and he reported that they are trying to stop requiring any pathology unless there is something ominous. I shared my thought that the pathology would help in my RA diagnosis and he shared that the bone tissues removed was a "mess". He reported that there were erosions and softening of the bone. He went on to explain that the diagnosis is most likely 'spot on' due to the condition of my joints given my age, body type and fitness level.

Speaking of joints. He indicated that the right hip can be replaced at any time. He pretty much said - "now" - if I want. I talked to him about my right knee as well and this is the point where he stated I have really "Sh***y" joints. We decided to have new x-rays taken of the right knee and hip on my next visit (12/14/20) in order to determine "next steps".

He also shared with me the story of my bleeding profusely from my femur during surgery. He noted that it was "like a hose" and that he had only seen this type of bleeding one time previously. I thanked him for ensuring a successful outcome!!

Being back to work has been tiring at times. I was enjoying the days of no wake up time, taking walks when I wanted and going to the gym; evenings to relax and housework completed before the weekend. Back to reality!

I have been continuing PT. I "love" my therapist, Tim. He always pushes me. And he also reminds me that this is a marathon not a sprint; gently chastising me for going overboard! I have been able to do all the exercises that he throws at me and I am definitely feeling stronger; especially in my glutes and core.

He gave me one exercise that he said he has never given to a hip replacement patient before! UUUHHMMM...thanks, Tim, I think! Here it is..... a modified side plank with clam shell. YIKES! I hated it and loved it at the same time!! He gave me other "new" to me exercises. The following were done on the reformer equipment:
  •  Single leg "back" press - standing with the stabilizer leg on a step and the  pressing the spring load base with other leg.
  • Lateral glides - standing on top of the reformer and gliding one leg out and back.
Another new to me was using the pulley system. Using a gait belt around my waist I had to walk forward and backwards with up to 17.5 pounds of weight. and then lateral steps with 15 pounds.

Other exercises may not have been too 'new" to me; however, challenging none the less. Lots of bridges, clam shells, leg lifts in various directions, core work and stretching.

The stretching was the most mentally challenging for me as I was always worried that I would dislocate the new joint. Tim worked well with me to calm this fear and I was able to put on a sock with minimal challenge at about week 7. I continue to stretch often and especially after each work out.

Tuesday (11/17) was my last PT session. Bittersweet.....
However, I will tell you...should I need PT again...Tim is my go to!!

I continue to get used to this new joint. It is foreign in some ways and my mind knows this. In other ways it is pain and mobility limiting free! How can I not be impressed by it?!?!?! 

I will say....I AM IMPRESSED! It is amazing to see what medicine and science can do. I have always believed that living a healthy life is important for daily activities and good health. Living this way (and by no means to perfection) helped me in my knee replacement 5 .5 years ago and now with my hip replacement. You have to do the work to see the results and there is the importance of good health and fitness prior to and after surgery.

So this is all for now.....I am sure I will have a story following my appointment on Monday!


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