Stretching and Core work - THE BENEFITS!

For those of you that know me in my fitness life you know that I am "the crazy one" - the one that "more is the best" - the higher the intensity the better - stretching (yoga/Pilates/stretching classes), stretching after a training run (or even after any class) - WHO HAD TIME FOR THIS!?!?!?!?!

So guilty am I!!! And..... I now apologize to all I have trained - either in classes, as a trainer or in running - I am SORRY that I did not include more stretching in our workouts.

And CORE...what about this work?? Never enough time for the FULL focus of the work needed to engage and truly strengthen the CORE - yes...ab work but limited to the full core of the body, unless I was creative enough to add it into the workout for that day. And if it was a training run - nope - no time.....

My BAD!!!!

Not working at this time has allowed me to be available to be a sub and at times when no one could fill in for a Yoga or PiYo class I would agree.....however, I am certainly not Yoga or Pilates trained and I definitely felt as though I was "cheating" the participants....

Until one day....I added a weighted ball, some tubing and I brought in the Yoga moves I felt better experienced in and...Voila ...I had an Ah-ha moment! I could create a class that could incorporate these components...add in some focused Core work and BANG - DONE! A class that would allow participants to strengthen many muscle groups with body and/or low weights. A class that would focus on the FULL CORE. A class that would allow the body to stretch!

Here are the benefits:
                             STRETCHING (YOGA)
Increased flexibility.
Increased muscle strength and tone.
Improved respiration, energy and vitality.
Maintaining a balanced metabolism.
Weight reduction.
Cardio and circulatory health.
Improved athletic performance.
Protection from injury.
                               STRETCHING (PILATES) 
Improved flexibility.
Increased muscle strength and tone, particularly of your abdominal muscles, lower back, hips and buttocks (the 'core muscles' of your body)
Balanced muscular strength on both sides of your body.
Enhanced muscular control of your back and limbs.
Help prevent injuries.

                              STRENGTHENING CORE
Prevent injuries
Protect your inner organs and central nervous system.
Lessen back pain
Strong, confident posture

Core exercises train the muscles in your pelvis, lower back, hips and abdomen to work in harmony. This leads to better balance and stability, whether on the playing field or in daily activities. In fact, most sports and other physical activities depend on stable core muscles.

AND FOR MY RUNNER FRIENDS......At a high level, a strong core can improve your running posture & speed. ... The main benefit of core strength for runners is increased stabilization in the torso. Your core muscles – the chest, back, abs, and obliques – are what keep your torso upright when you run, and reduce “wobbling” when moving your arms & legs.

I do realize that not everyone can come to my new class STRETCH, CORE AND MORE - although I wish you could....however EVERYONE can add these important components to your workouts! Check on-line videos, go to classes at your gym...pause for a few moments and realize the importance of these types of exercises to your overall wellness!


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