Letting go - Part One

Letting go - never easy. We all face situations that we need to "let go" of something or someone. Today, I will share my decision to "let go" of a class that I thoroughly enjoyed teaching. Now...for some this may not seem to be a "big deal"; however, when you have a passion for teaching, the decision to "let go" a class is never easy.

Did you notice that is did not refer to this as "giving up". There is a difference - one I will get to in this blog....

Having my "clean up" surgery on my right knee a few weeks ago I was told that total knee replacement would most likely be in my future. This was not what I wanted to hear.....

Yes...I had a GREAT outcome in  my knee replacement on the left side (Three years ago today!!!)

But I really would prefer to keep my joints!!

I have been teaching a HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) class and love the concept and the hard work. In recent months, I have been doing less and less high intensity due to the pain in my knee. My class participants have been wonderful and very accepting of the adaptations I have needed to do. I...however....feel like I am "cheating" them of the workout they have gotten up at the crack of dawn for!!

I have taught for a gazillion years! I know how important it is to be connected to the class. For a few months I have been feeling less.....and I want participants to have what they come for!!

So..for now; until I see what the knee might be capable of I have "let go" of this class to a very capable colleague! She will ROCK IT!

And now....the difference in "letting go" and "giving up" - I am NOT giving up. I will find other class options that I will bring my "A" game to! I will find the best blend of intensity that will allow me to be "ALL IN" with my participants - fully connected!

When you "let go" you give yourself the option to make changes without losing the goal. When you "give up" this might not be an option as your mindset may take you down the failure road.

Letting go allows us to reevaluate the situation; to look for alternate options. So....never "give up" - just "let go"


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