
Showing posts from March, 2018

Letting go - Part Two

It is never easy to "let go". In Letting Go Part One I shared making the decision to "let go" of teaching a HIIT class. To some this may not seem like a big deal...... To me it was a hard decision. My passion is fitness and wellness; most importantly helping others achieve their goals. I wanted to make sure that I was, in fact, "letting go" not "giving up" and I feel confident that I will find a great replacement for this class that will bring fitness, wellness and achievement to my participants. Therefore, I did not "give up"!!!  At times, you have to make a difficult decision to "let go" of something. It is a good practice to take a look at our life once in awhile to see if there are things we need to "let go". For me, I have never really looked at my life from this perspective unless forced to... Letting go of running, or jumping or a class due to physical limitations following surgery. Letting go of a sig...

Letting go - Part One

Letting go - never easy. We all face situations that we need to "let go" of something or someone. Today, I will share my decision to "let go" of a class that I thoroughly enjoyed teaching. Now...for some this may not seem to be a "big deal"; however, when you have a passion for teaching, the decision to "let go" a class is never easy. Did you notice that is did not refer to this as "giving up". There is a difference - one I will get to in this blog.... Having my "clean up" surgery on my right knee a few weeks ago I was told that total knee replacement would most likely be in my future. This was not what I wanted to hear..... Yes...I had a GREAT outcome in  my knee replacement on the left side (Three years ago today!!!) But I really would prefer to keep my joints!! I have been teaching a HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) class and love the concept and the hard work. In recent months, I have been doing less and l...

National Eating Disorder Week - Awareness is knowledge

Such an emotional topic... Awareness is truly knowledge. I had an active eating disorder when I was in my early 20's following my divorce. I working today to keep the disorder dormant.....the devil is always nearby ..... There are many "faces" of the devil.... Those with the devil can be normal weight, overweight or underweight..... The devil can be very obvious or hidden.... The devil can kill..... We are most likely aware of the more common eating disorders: Anorexia nervosa , often referred to simply as anorexia, is an eating disorder characterized by low weight, fear of gaining weight, and a strong desire to be thin, resulting in food restriction. Bulimia nervosa , also known as simply bulimia, is an eating disorder characterized by binge eating followed by purging. Binge eating refers to eating a large amount of food in a short amount of time. Purging refers to the attempts to get rid of the food consumed. This may be done by vomiting or taking laxa...

Is your "fitness" adding to your stress??

As most of you know I am a fitness JUNKIE! Try as I will to be moderate in my fitness/exercise regimen I always tend to overdo. Most of this "overdo" is in the amount of "time" I workout; although there is also the decision to add in either weights or cardio (depending on the class I am teaching) prior to or after. My recent thought - Does my NEED to get my SCHEDULED workout in ADD STRESS to my life and does it LIMIT my social opportunities???? Does this strike a chord with you???? Read on........ Due to my recent surgery I am not able to workout......Now, we went through this a few years ago when I had my knee replacement and I survived. And - yes - I am surviving today! This downtime is a bit different for some reason..... How, you ask?? Knowing that I survived the time away from "my schedule of workouts" ....I am allowing myself to "feel" how my body feels without working out. I am allowing myself to think about how my mind feels without...