So what about this Valentine's day?!?!?!?

Here we are - the day that is either embraced or banished! VALENTINE'S DAY!! I have been single long enough to know how we "let this day get in our head" if we are single! And I have been in enough relationships to have expectations beyond my wildest dreams for "a romantic day"!

Let me tell you....each played with "my head" and honestly, with my heart!

So ... you may be wondering why am I writing about Valentine's Day on a "fitness/wellness" page/blog?!?!?! we view today has an affect on "us". On "you".

Where did the Valentine's Day obsession come from????!!!

A little history:

  • The origins of Valentine's Day are murky. We do know that the ancient Romans celebrated the feast of Lupercalia, a spring festival, on the 15th of February. With the introduction of Christianity, the holiday moved to the 14th of February--the saint day that celebrated several early Christian martyrs named Valentine.
  • The romance we associate with Valentine's Day may spring from the medieval belief that birds select their mates on February 14th
  • Probably the first greeting cards, handmade valentines, appeared in the 16th century. As early as 1800, companies began mass-producing cards. Initially these cards were hand-colored by factory workers. By the early 20th century even fancy lace and ribbon-strewn cards were created by machine
And there...we get to the "Hallmark" reason for Valentine's Day...just kidding...sort of...

However, it is hard not to notice the emphasis of hearts and flowers gifts immediately (if not sooner) following Christmas! Does this emphasis have a cause for anxiety?!?!?!

I think for some...yes. And this includes me! I am conditioned to think that if I am in a relationship I should be romanticized by my partner! NOPE!!! Not ever! Or - ok - maybe rarely - in my past!! LOL!

And - when I was single it was a day for me to "wallow" in this singleness and ask "why" - "why am I single"? 

My point - let us not have a "day" define us! Our wellness is affected by our emotional well-being....we have enough "real" day to day challenges in life to allow an insignificant holiday adding more pressure.

To me...Valentin's Day is a reminder that I have many people in my life that bring meaning and happiness to it. I have many in people in my life that I love and that love me back.

Love - the ability to show and give love - begins within. You need to love yourself first. You can't do this if you are not taking care of YOU! 

Today - whether you are single, married, in a relationship - look in the mirror and see WONDERFUL, HEALTHY, BEAUTIFUL YOU!!

Take time to do something that will make you feel great about you - a walk, a treat, an exercise class, dress up, or relax ... time for you......

And then show the world around you that your abundance of love within is spilling over to make those you come in contact with just a little happier today!!! SMILEπŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•


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