Bringing in Wellness

Agelessly Fit - Bringing in Wellness to the topic of fitness

As I have journeyed through my "fitness life" I have come to the realization that my focus was just! I have now recognized that this was only a part of the "whole"....

Fitness refers to the physical part. ... You gain or maintain fitness by doing various kinds of exercises..

Wellness is a more general term encompassing the whole being which is the mind and soul in addition to the body.

Now - accepting that there is a difference in the two may seem to be a no-brainer. However, I have found, for myself. that I focus on the fitness without acknowledging the effect that wellness has not only in my journey but also in my life.

Fitness, as we know, focuses on body - strength, flexibility, cardio conditioning and nutrition (which we sometimes ignore!).

Wellness encompasses so much more. It encompasses your "life"! And although this includes fitness, it is also emotional, mental, spiritual, social, financial and more.Some articles refer to wellness is dimensions - 5 to 9 dimensions depending on what you read. And some write about the connection and differences within health and wellness.Regardless of the source and primary principle of these articles one thing remains a common thread...Wellness includes fitness. And I believe that fitness is affected by wellness.

Have you ever reflected on your "fitness journey" through times when your "wellness" was impacted by something? Think, for a moment, about the following:

  • Loss of a loved one - significant loss
  • Loss of a job - financial loss
  • Illness - acute
  • Illness - chronic
  • Relationship changes
  • Stress 
  • Weather - yes....something considered insignificant to some
Each of these, and many more can change your mood, motivation and focus on other aspects of your life, including fitness.

I am a believer in balance. And I am realistic and honest enough to know that finding and more importantly, accepting, balance is no easy task.

How we allow impacts in our life to affect our wellness and fitness is important to recognize as the outcome can be positive or negative.

Yes...I did say negative. We can allow changes in our wellness to bring on "more than you need" workouts or no workouts at all, staying in bed, eating too little or too much, not sleeping or sleeping all day....need I say more?? me, it is important to keep your wellness at the forefront and "in check"! We need to recognize when something is not in sync and how it affects overall wellness and how we approach fitness. The is too much just as much as there can be too little.....

Give some thoughts to your wellness. Ask yourself if you are mindful of the impact of events and the effect on wellness, fitness and overall health.

I am pondering becoming a Wellness Coach - more to come......


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