
Showing posts from January, 2019


And just like that.....It is 2019! Do you find that as we get older the year goes by faster?? I am wrapping my head around how quickly 2018 seemed to go! Before I begin, please let me apologize for not posting in "forever". I have no excuses, except for "life"...... I am making it a goal for 2019 to get back into a routine of posting...this site is important to me as it allows me to stay focused on wellness and to share my thoughts and feelings! As you saw....I used the word "goal" rather than "resolution" ... I am a firm believer in making goals; yes, even at the New Year. I realized that my past held numerous "resolutions" that barely came to fruition. Most of my resolutions were put aside weeks into proclaiming them. I soon realized that I was more connected and committed to setting goals. This year will be no different - goal setting soon! There are many reflections for 2018. HEALTH - At the end of 2017 my diagnosis of Und...